Stronger Physical Therapy + Performance

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Band-Aids are NOT the Solution

I want to talk about one of the many reasons why the traditional healthcare model is failing both providers and consumers. Many, not all, providers have the tendency to “fix” what hurts without taking a look at the big picture and working on the CAUSE of the problem. This isn’t typically the providers’ fault, but a trickling down effect starting at a higher level with the insurance company that dictates what services are reimbursed.

First, let’s break down the typical process that occurs when you get injured and need physical therapy. Say you’re deadlifting (of course more weight than you can handle because come on, you only live once) and during that ego lift you feel a pop followed by sharp stabbing pain in your low back. You try and walk it off, but inevitably (because your spouse forced you to) end up going to the doctor. Nurse says your vitals are good, and you wait 20 minutes only to have your physician come in for a few moments to prescribe some pain meds, rest, and a little physical therapy if your pain doesn’t go away. Fast forward a few days to your first day of physical therapy. During the evaluation, you explain how the injury happened and go through a series of movement assessments. The PT then proceeds to tell you how your “core” is weak and you need to do more strengthening. Next thing you know you’re in a room filled with NuSteps (which your Grandma talks about riding daily), a few bands, balance contraptions, and a whole crowd of other patients. In the mean-time, you’re still trying to figure out what the heck your “core” is and why the exercises you perform aren’t working. Not to mention, there’s no barbell to even remotely reproduce the movement that brought you to this point nor has the PT even broken down the mechanics of your deadlift. Before you know it, you’re on a table performing double knee to chest, body weight bridges, and something called a sahrmann progression.

Sound familiar?

Too many times, and we have all done this, providers are quick to address pain but fail to look at the bigger problem. Maybe the real problem with your deadlift has to do with early hip rise and is a simple coaching cue. Or you lack lower back strength and require isolated paraspinal exercises.

STOP getting band-aides and start looking for solutions!

You wouldn’t step on the same Lego day in and day out on the floor just assuming that whatever little massage you do after is going to fix the problem. No, you’d move the dang Lego!

Stop letting providers control YOUR health by slapping on Band-Aids. Seek out those who want to find a solution and treat the big picture.

Let’s get stronger.