Stronger Physical Therapy + Performance

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Fixing What’s “Broken”

I’m going to step onto a soap box for a moment and talk about the problem with traditional healthcare, and part of the reason why I ditched insurance to start my own business.

We (and when I say we I mean providers of the past and present) have created a system of fixing the “broken” (aka the patients). Healthcare is reactive in nature, meaning we only go when something isn’t working right. And even then, if you’re anything like me, you wait a few extra months just in case it might go away on its own. What’s worse is that when you do go, the typical response is to stop what you’re doing, and by the way take these pills. Also, you will likely need surgery to “fix” your problem because that weak little body of yours is incapable of healing itself. Don’t take this the wrong way as obviously in some cases more invasive procedures are needed, but many times these pills/surgeries can be avoided with the appropriate stresses, as your body has amazing healing capabilities.

A large factor in the problem of reactive healthcare is the third party payers, or insurance. Yes, it will help lower your bills, but insurance dictates what is reimbursed and ultimately what care your physician/physical therapist/dentist/etc. is “allowed” to provide. Imagine this… you went to school for years to become a physical therapist where you were taught all the skills necessary to help people in pain, rehab after an injury, get stronger after a surgery, assess for potential injury risks; the list goes on. But then, when you get out into the real world, you find out that insurance dictates how you help these people and by the way, many of the things that are beneficial to your patients aren’t covered, which = not being provided.  

Welcome to my journey. I started Stronger Physical Therapy and Performance because I believe my patients deserve the best, which includes dedicated time to every single patient and the capability to perform any/every skill I have been taught over the years WITHOUT someone controlling my patient’s plan of care. Your healthcare IS your choice! And it should not just be reactive in nature, but proactive as well. Believe it or not, but your providers can help reduce your risk of injury/health concerns. For instance, I can provide mobility/strength screens to individuals who are not injured and provide a plan of attack for areas that have decreased range of motion or poor strength to help reduce the risk of injury down the road. Now in today’s healthcare system this service is not covered and, therefore, not provided, but in my opinion that’s a disservice and I want to keep people healthy!

Long story short, with Stronger Physical Therapy + Performance you have a choice when it comes to your healthcare. Make the shift to proactive healthcare.

And as always… LET’S GET STRONGER!